I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. - John 10:10
About Faith and Women
Faith and Women Ministries is designed for women in leadership who are transforming their world in small and monumental ways. This includes resources for professional women, stay-at-home moms, students or grandmothers seeking purpose, joy and wisdom for life’s greatest challenges. We believe that world-changers need strength and encouragement in developing mind, body, soul and spirit for maximum effectiveness and joy.
Our Mission
Faith and Women Ministries, Inc. is a non-denominational, non-political, public charity respectful of different views, opinions, and questions concerning the Bible and our spiritual journey together. Our goal is to produce and promote resources to encourage and equip leaders to successfully walk out their God-given callings.
FW™ also provides free or low-cost resources to help you grow in your faith. We believe growth happens in authentic community and encourage honest communication. Our hope is this ministry will be a safe place to study, question, probe – even disagree – in your search for God.
Then – go change the world.
Who We Are
Our Board of Directors, Advisory Board, and Contributors form the core group of people who enable us to execute our mission. They are people of different denominations and faiths, all of whom share our central vision of helping everyone lead a purpose-driven life.